Phylogeny of Modern Birds


Supreme plunge-divers, gannets and boobies are found in most of the world's oceans except for colder areas of the North Pacific.


Additional information 

Flight involves flapping interspersed with short glides. The birds forage by plunge-diving. More lightly built species, such as Red-footed Booby (Sula sula), also swoop to take prey at the water's surface. Boobies roost on beaches, cliffs, trees, or ship riggings, while gannets may roost on the water.

All species nest on predator-free islands or sheer mainland cliffs. Humans and introduced predators pose threats to booby colonies, but most gannetries are well protected. Overfishing has impacted many species. Abbott's Booby (Papasula abbotti) is threatened by deforestation. The birds breed in small to very large colonies. Nests are placed on the ground: gannets and most boobies built theirs in depressions rimmed with dropping, while Red-footed and Abbott's Boobies build stick nests in trees.



Number of genera: 3

Number of species: 10

A list of all species can be found here.